
Taniuchi Rokuro

TANIUCHI Rokuro’s Works; from the covers of the weekly magazine Shukan Shincho
Time with living things

2025 Sat May 17 〜 2025 Sun July 6

Closed: Mon. June 2

TANIUCHI Rokuro produced the cover art for the weekly magazine Shukan Shincho from its launch in 1956 until his death in 1981, creating more than 1,300 paintings over a quarter of a century. By selecting from among them and changing the exhibited works, the world of Taniuchi's cover art will be explored by examining it from different perspectives.

TANIUCHI Rokuro 《Under construction》1978 ©Michiko Taniuchi
Date2025 Sat. May 17 – Sun. July 6
ClosedMon. June 2
AdmissionDay ticket (Group of 20 persons or more) Adults: ¥380 (¥300)
University Students/High School students/Senior over 65: ¥280 (¥220)
Junior high school students and younger: Free
*Entry is free for high school students residing in Yokosuka or students attending high school in Yokosuka.
*Free admission for persons with a disability pass and one accompanying caretaker.
Contact information
Yokosuka Call Center 046-822-4000
HOURS: weekdays 8 am - 6 pm; weekends and holidays 8 am - 4 pm.
(You can call the Yokosuka Call Center . Service is available in 21 languages, including English.)